I know so many people that don't realize who they are. Avatars of such great promise, they remain eternally oblivious to the indomitable divinity which resides within their blood. Such talent, such dormant promise... if it ever wakes, it will shake the world. You will shake the world. You will reshape everything that we've ever taken for granted, turn all of our presuppositions upside down, and overturn every injustice which the world has ever known. You are yesterday's promise of tomorrow. You are the dividing line, the sublime, redeeming grace. Just open your heart and show us the way, nothing else needs to change.
Set aside everything you see around you. Put past you this ill contrived idea that wealth supersedes love. Don't listen to the fools screaming that you can't save them all, that it isn't worth your time, your effort. It is. It always has been. Fear despises love, but love knows nothing but itself. Embrace it. Do what those before you chose not to. Strive to be greater. Decide to be greater in spirit, vaster, bigger.... You can have it all.